Pedallers! Funding for cycling projects and community groups, volunteer leaders wanted – or borrow a Brompton!

Chorlton Bike Deliveries Bike Library
In partnership with The Bee Network, Chorlton Bike Deliveries are offering *free* loans of Brompton foldable bikes! Ideal for using with the Bee Network: move faster around Manchester on a bike. Please visit: or email them at for further details and get cycling.

Volunteer Ride Leaders Wanted!
Would you, or someone you know like to help other women discover the joy and freedom of riding a bike? Joyriders are looking for new volunteer Ride Leaders. Full training is provided – as long as you are a competent rider this could be a great, fun way to share your experience. To enquire, please complete the form at ( and someone will be in touch very soon!

Cycling Activity Grants
Following Manchester’s year as the European Capital of Cycling 2024, Manchester Active is offering grants to community groups to get kids and teens (ages 6-16) on their bikes! Whether it’s hosting a cycling event, setting up a club, or running fun bike activities, they want to help you make it happen! Grants of up to £500 available – or up to £1,000 for larger projects or multiple events. The application process is now open and applications will be considered on a fortnightly basis, after which MCR Active will inform applicants of the outcome or contact them to seek further information. The delivery period is between now and 31st March 2025. To apply please visit
Wheels and Walks TFGM Funding
TfGM (Transport for Greater Manchester) are excited to announce Wheels and Walks, a new programme that supports people in Greater Manchester to become more active by walking, wheeling and cycling.
For more information, eligibility criteria, and how to apply visit Application deadline: 17th March (with 2 further application deadlines in 2025-6). Contact the team via