Can you donate a small gift to make Christmas brighter for young women in South Manchester?

This Christmas, please think of putting a little extra item into your basket. Chorlton charity Reach Out to the Community is collecting donations to give as gifts for young women at a local hostel. The women are aged between 16-25, so anything suitable for that age group would be most welcome.
Consider selection boxes, toiletries, socks, gift sets and similar items. And things that can make Christmas a bit more christmassy, like Advent calendars or festive (non-perishable) foods, choccies and other treats.
These young women have had difficult lives so far. Let them know that someone is thinking of them this Christmas!
You can drop your donations off at the shop –
Reach Out to the Community, 488 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton, Manchester M21 9AS
Thank you.