Save the Graves!
The newly established Friends of Chorlton Graveyard invite you to a public meeting to discuss restoration of the graveyard and lych gate on Chorlton Green, plus a talk about this […]
Autumn Plant Swap
Chorlton Plant Swap and Gardening Advice are having their autumn plant swap at the Chorlton Get Together on Wilbraham Road near the Four Banks. Bring your healthy spare plants to […]
Summer Tree Trail
Enjoy a self-led trail across Chorlton Park and learn about the park’s amazing trees. Pick up your copy of the trail sheet at the park entrance, or scan one of […]
Zoo Lab
Come and meet animals and learn about how their adaptations help them in the wild. A fun session for ages 4-11
Chorlton Voice Meeting
Chorlton Voice (aka Chorlton Civic Society)’s mission is to preserve, develop and improve the amenities, environment, and other features of the area. They discuss planning applications and new developments and […]
Chorlton Voice Meeting
Chorlton Voice (aka Chorlton Civic Society)’s mission is to preserve, develop and improve the amenities, environment, and other features of the area. They discuss planning applications and new developments and […]
Chorlton Voice Meeting
Chorlton Voice (aka Chorlton Civic Society)’s mission is to preserve, develop and improve the amenities, environment, and other features of the area. They discuss planning applications and new developments and […]
Chorlton Open Gardens 2023
Chorlton offers up its usual range of amazing spaces, all open to anyone carrying a programme (which acts as your ticket) on each day. Programmes have a map and brief […]
Chorlton’s Great Get Together III

Wilbraham Road will close to traffic and open to friends and neighbours, children and play. Join us for Chorlton’s best free party, with information, entertainment and family-friendly fun. Read more.
Repair Cafe
A Repair Café is a free meeting place where people get together to repair things. The first Repair Café was held in Amsterdam in 2009, and since then, have grown […]